Thursday 27 March 2008

English online for Study Abroad

English online for Study Abroad
Study Abroad Tips

  • With astute planning, anyone can afford study abroad. To economize, study in a country where the U.S. dollar is especially strong and/or study for a shorter duration.
  • Study abroad is for everyone, not just language majors. In fact, many employers and graduate and professional schools welcome applicants with overseas experience.
  • If you aren't sure about how you'd fare alone, consider going abroad with a close friend.
  • Study the political climate of the country to determine if it is safe to visit.
  • Learn about museums, architectural landmarks and other famous sites, and then explore them.
  • Attend all program orientations. They're a great source of information.
  • Research the host country's culture, religion, history, current events, and economy. This will help reduce subsequent culture shock and home sickness.
  • Learn about traditional day-to-day behavior. What may be polite in one country—i.e., tipping—may be offensive elsewhere.
  • Try to learn a few handy local phrases of the local language. The more you know of the language, the better you'll adjust.
  • Record the address and telephone numbers of the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate, and keep this information with you at all times.
  • How expensive or difficult is a local Internet connection? Online access lets you contact family and friends via email, and keep informed of events back home via the Web. All this will help reduce culture shock and home sickness.
  • Keep a journal. When you return, your journal will remind you of interesting sites and events you might otherwise have forgotten. Moreover, your journal may be a helpful resource if you subsequently write about your experiences or advise future study abroad students.

USA Study Guide & Scholarship


Us-guide - Study in the USA guide - good site for study in the USA

Institute Of International Education - IIE Vietnam - Information to study in the US.

Vietnam Education Foundation - VEF- Provide scholarships for Vietnamese students to study in the USA

Fulbright Program in Vietnam - Hanoi, Vietnam - U.S. Scholar Program. International Fulbright Science & Technology Ph.D. Scholarship

Chương trình học bổng Việt Nam - Vietnamese Overseas Scholarship - 322 project from Vietnamese government - 400 scholarships every year.

Singapore Study Guide

Singapore Education - The complete guide to study in Singapore - in Vietnamese

Singapore Cooperation Programme (SCP) Singapore Scholarship

United Kingdom Study Guide

British Council Vietnam

Chevening Programme - wards scholarships to overseas students in over 150 countries

Official Homepage of the Vietnamese Student Association in the UK

Australia Study Guide

IDP Education Australia
