Wednesday 28 May 2008

It tastes stale!

Hear the storyline. The two people in the dialogue below want to fix pork chops for dinner, but they later find out that the meat has gone bad....

Wayne: What are we going to eat for dinner? speaker2.gif (139 bytes)

Lilia: I'm going to fix some pork chops.

Wayne: I'm afraid the meat is rotten. speaker2.gif (139 bytes)

Lilia: That's strange! I just bought it the day before yesterday.

Wayne: Well, I forgot to put it in the refrigerator. speaker2.gif (139 bytes)

Lilia: Good for you! Now what should we eat?

Wayne: Why don't we eat out? speaker2.gif (139 bytes)

Lilia: Again? Weren't you just complaining that it's too expensive to eat out?

Wayne: Not when you're hungry. speaker2.gif (139 bytes)